Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cars are not allowed on the El Monte Busway; why does Google Maps say otherwise?

When I asked Google Maps for directions, it said to drive a car on the El Monte Busway. This is not allowed. Why does Google Maps say to do it?|||who told cars were not allowed, they are allowed but you have be in a carpool of 3 or more passengers|||Google maps is similar to Mapquest in that they are not 100% correct. When I was a directory assistance operator for cellular calls (2000-2003), certain streets or locations where not mentioned; and when I was a delivery driver (2004-2008), I was given directions to the Compton School District but it mentioned driving through some side streets (where the gangbangers where), so it's not 100% true all of the time. Also if you do what they recommend, you'll have the Sheriff's Deputies or the Highway Patrol waiting for you at the other end!|||This might be a question better directed at Google, instead of Yahoo.

Having said that, wouldn't you think that a thoroughfare called a BUSWAY would be reserved for BUSES? Isn't it implied that this would be a road reserved for buses, and wouldn't it make sense to use your common sense and avoid it regardless of what Google says?

Hey ... I'm just sayin ...|||That's why it's always best to ask locally for directions. Try to make contact with Google Maps to get this information updated.

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